OpenScape Business Wall PSU Upgrade

Artikelnummer L30251-U600-A987
Fabrikantcode L30251-U600-A987
Merk Unify
Gem. nalevertijd 5 werkdagen

OpenScape Business Wall PSU Upgrade

  • For upgrades from HiPath 3350/3550 systems to OpenScape Business X 3W/5W systems and
  • For replacement of UPSC-D (S30122-H5660-X301) power supply in OSBiz X 3W/5W systems with CUP (S30777-Q751-X) or CUC (S30777-Q750-X) backplane.

Note: SLA or SLAD cards have to be replaced by SLAV cards in case of HiPath 3000 upgrade.

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